淨零排放實踐 Net-Zero Actions

環境永續是我們長期關注的議題,執行長顏博文在2021年行政院環保署「環境教育這10年響綠生活嘉年華」致詞時公開承諾,「因應全球氣候變遷,人類正處於環境危險的狀態,慈濟除了希望大家共同正視環保,也要接軌國際。」正式對外承諾慈濟基金會將邁向淨零之路。隔年三月,慈濟基金會亦宣誓支持並參與《巴黎協定》2050年前達到零碳排目標,在「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(UNFCCC)」宣言文件簽名響應,慈濟做為宗教組織,主要是推廣佛教對於環境保護的立場,透過減少肉食,推動植物性飲食,既是符合佛教“五戒”的“不殺生”,也是向聯合國系統試出宗教組織關懷氣候變遷等議題,並且透過蔬食,呼籲世界減少畜牧業所產生的甲烷,進而減少地球被暖化的負擔。 Environmental sustainability is an issue of our long-term concern. In the speech of Yen Po-Wen, our CEO, at the Environmental Protection Administration’s “Environmental Education: 10 Years of Green Living” event in 2021, he pledged, “In response to global climate change, humanity is in a state of environmental danger. Tzu Chi hopes that everyone will join forces on environmental protection and align with international standards.” Tzu Chi Foundation officially pledged to embark on the path to net-zero. The following March, the Foundation also pledged to support and participate in the Paris Agreement’s objective of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 and signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) declaration document in response. As a religious organization, Tzu Chi mainly promotes Buddhism’s stance on environmental protection. By promoting a plant-based diet to reduce meat consumption, it is not only in line with the “Five Precepts” of Buddhism, one of which is “not to kill,” but it is also a trial for religious organizations in the United Nations system to care about climate change and other issues. Through a plaint-based diet, we call on the world to reduce the methane produced by animal husbandry, thereby reducing the burden of global warming.

  1. 對外承諾淨零碳排放 External Commitment to Net-Zero Emissions
    花蓮靜思堂首次盤查 Hualien Jing Si Hall’s Initial Inventory
  2. 10個點開始盤查 Initial Inventory for 10 Sites
  3. 剪探基準年慈濟 Carbon Reduction Base Year.
    花蓮靜思堂首次盤查 Hualien Jing Si Hall’s Initial Inventory
  4. 碳排放零成長 Carbon Emission Zero Growth.
    2024,2025開始自主盤查 Zero Growth; Start Autonomous Inventory in 2024-2025
  5. 碳排減少至2005的45% Reduce Carbon Emissions to 45% of 2005.
    碳排放減15% Decrease Carbon Emissions by 15%.
  6. 碳排放減50% Reduce Carbon Emissions by 50%.
  7. 達到碳中和淨零排放 Achieve Carbon Neutral Net-Zero Emissions.

溫室氣體管理 Greenhouse Gas Management

2021年我們對外宣示2050年淨零排放目標,2022年由花蓮靜思堂作為示範據點,開啟ISO14064-1:2018溫室氣體排放標準查證作業;2023年更擴及其他9處服務據點,未來更規劃進一步延展至全臺23個據點,盤查溫室氣體各類別排放項目,積極推動組織內節能減碳行動。我們將以2023年為基準年,設定營運減碳目標,並持續推動自身營運節能減碳與綠能布局。 In 2021, we publicly announced our goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. In 2022, the Hualien Jing Si Hall was a demonstration site, implementing ISO 14064-1:2018 greenhouse gas emission verification standards. By 2023, this initiative expanded to nine other service locations, with plans to extend it to all 23 sites across Taiwan. We will use 2023 as the baseline year to set operational carbon reduction targets and continue promoting energy efficiency and green practices throughout our operations.

說明: Notes:
  1. 2022-2023盤查全臺10處道場。(包含東區(花蓮靜思堂)、北區(臺北分會、桃園分會、三重靜思堂、板橋靜思堂)、中區(彰化分會、臺中分會)、南區(臺南分會、高雄分會、屏東分會) 2022-2023: Ten halls were inspected across Taiwan (Eastern Region [Hualien Jing Si Hall], Northern Region [Taipei Branch, Taoyuan Branch, Sanchung Jing Si Hall, Banqiao Jing Si Hall], Central Region [Changhua Branch, Taichung Branch], and Southern Region [Tainan Branch, Kaohsiung Branch, Pingtung Branch]).
  2. 本會淨零目標原訂2022年為溫室氣體盤查基準年,因該年疫情嚴重,活動減少,使會所總排碳量減少,經討論確認將基準年調整為疫情趨緩之2023年。 Tzu Chi Foundation initially set 2022 as the base year for its greenhouse gas inventory. However, due to COVID-19’s significant impact on activities in 2022, resulting in reduced overall carbon emissions from its venues, the organization has deliberated and adjusted the base year to 2023.
說明: Notes:
  1. 排放強度比值之溫室氣體排放類型,包含範疇1(直接排放源)、範疇二(間接能源排放) Greenhouse gas emission types in terms of emission intensity ratios include Scope 1 (direct emissions) and Scope 2 (indirect-energy-related emissions).
  2. 納入計算之溫室氣體以二氧化碳為主 The greenhouse gases considered for calculation primarily focus on carbon dioxide.
  1. 2022-2023盤查全臺10處道場。(包含東區(花蓮靜思堂)、北區(臺北分會、桃園分會、三重靜思堂、板橋靜思堂)、中區(彰化分會、臺中分會)、南區(臺南分會、高雄分會、屏東分會) 2022-2023: Ten halls were inspected across Taiwan (Eastern Region [Hualien Jing Si Hall], Northern Region [Taipei Branch, Taoyuan Branch, Sanchung Jing Si Hall, Banqiao Jing Si Hall], Central Region [Changhua Branch, Taichung Branch], and Southern Region [Tainan Branch, Kaohsiung Branch, Pingtung Branch]).
  2. 本會淨零目標原訂2022年為溫室氣體盤查基準年,因該年疫情嚴重,活動減少,使會所總排碳量減少,經討論確認將基準年調整為疫情趨緩之2023年。 Tzu Chi Foundation initially set 2022 as the base year for its greenhouse gas inventory. However, due to COVID-19’s significant impact on activities in 2022, resulting in reduced overall carbon emissions from its venues, the organization has deliberated and adjusted the base year to 2023.
說明: Notes:
  1. 排放強度比值之溫室氣體排放類型,包含範疇1(直接排放源)、範疇二(間接能源排放) Greenhouse gas emission types in terms of emission intensity ratios include Scope 1 (direct emissions) and Scope 2 (indirect-energy-related emissions).
  2. 納入計算之溫室氣體以二氧化碳為主 The greenhouse gases considered for calculation primarily focus on carbon dioxide.

能源轉型策略 Energy Transition Strategy

目標: Goal:
  • 架設綠電、建置太陽能光電之網絡,運用智慧電網提升能源分配的效率,在離峰時段儲電、尖峰時段輸出電力,確保電力供應穩定,不僅讓慈善志業運作如常,更能達到降低資源消耗、落實友善環境。 Install Green electric and solar photovoltaic, using a smart grid network for optimize energy usage, enabling storage during off-peak periods and release during peak demand, ensuring a reliable and sustainable power supply. This allows us to reduce resource consumption while operating as usual.
作法: Approach:
  • 在建物屋頂架設太陽能設備,自然發電,與旭天能源公司合作24處,預計在2024年可以開始供應綠電; The Tzu Chi Foundation is partnering with Prime EcoPower Co., Ltd. to install solar photovoltaic systems on the rooftops of 24 of its sites across Taiwan. These systems are expected to generate clean electricity and supply power in 2024.
  • 茂迪股份有限公司,預計在全臺11個會所架設最先進的太陽能板,經估算在未來二十年,累積節電可達三千多公噸。 The Foundation is also partnering with Motech Industries Inc. to install cutting-edge solar panels at 11 sites across Taiwan. This initiative is projected to generate substantial energy savings, reducing carbon emissions by an estimated 3,000 metric tons over the next two decades.

營運轉型策略 Operation Transition Strategy

目標: Goal:
  • 朝向數位智慧管理、耗能設備汰換、能源轉換評估為方向。分析找出碳排源,再從數位智慧管理、耗能設備汰換等,設法減量、進而抵銷。 Gravitate towards smart digital management, energy-consuming equipment replacement, and energy conversion assessment. Analyze and identify carbon emission sources, then try to reduce or offset them via digital smart management, energy-consuming equipment replacement, etc.
作法: Approach:
  • 針對範疇逐一盤查各種溫室氣體排放的設備,已於2024年2月完成總會與分支共十處的盤查,於同年3月取得查證證書。 Inspect each type of greenhouse gas emissions equipment according to the scope. In February 2024, we inspected 10 locations, including the headquarters and our branches, and obtained the verification certificate in May of the same year.

生活轉型策略 Life Transition Strategy

目標: Goal:
  • 持續推廣蔬食減碳、簡約生活,打造數位學習、綠色共乘、淨零綠建築的友善環境。 Continue to promote a vegetarian diet to reduce carbon emissions. Create a friendly environment for digital learning, ride-sharing, and net-zero green buildings.
作法: Approach:
  • 在部分會所建置綠色充電椿,友善社區共創綠色生活圈,並持續推動蔬食減碳生活,讓減碳從每個人自身做起,並在臺北巿信義區打造「植境」複合式概念館,結合「未來巿集」蔬食文化活動等,擴大宣導及傳遞環境永續的理念。 Green charging poles are installed in some branches to form a green living circle with a friendly community, and a vegetarian and carbon-reducing lifestyle is constantly promoted, emphasizing that carbon reduction begins with the individual. A complex concept pavilion named Plantārium is being built in Xinyi District, Taipei City, in conjunction with “Future Market” vegetarian cultural activities to expand the promotion and delivery of the concept of environmental sustainability.

社會轉型策略 Social Transition Strategy

目標: Goal:
  • 擴大倡議的力道,加強與年輕人、各行各業的對話,倡議蔬食健康、ESG永續推動之概念 Expand advocacy efforts, strengthen dialogue with young people from all walks of life, and promote plant-based health and ESG sustainability concepts.
作法: Approach:
  • 打造行動環保教育車「淨零未來館」,培訓環保教育志工,在行動環保車巡迴展、「慈濟 × PaGamO環保防災」賽事等活動,向社會民眾、學校師生等倡議環保新知與重要性。 Built the Mobile Environmental Education Vehicle and Net-Zero Future Pavilion, trained environmental education volunteers, and promoted environmental protection to the public, schoolteachers, and students through activities such as the mobile vehicle tour exhibition and the Tzu Chi × PaGamO Environmental Protection and Disaster Prevention competition.
  • 完成高雄、臺中靜思堂環境教育場所的認證。 Obtained certification for environmental education venues in Kaohsiung and Taichung.
  • 增加環保教育場域數量,跨界合作提升環保站安全性、吸引力,讓社區民眾更加親切環保站。 Increased the number of environmental protection education venues, collaborated across sectors to improve the safety and attractiveness of environmental protection stations, and made them more approachable to the community.

國際臺灣社會暨慈濟基金會環保歷程、淨零排放目標規劃 Timeline of Tzu Chi Foundation’s Environmental Protection History and Net-Zero Emission Goal Planning Overseas and in Taiwan

  1. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    證嚴法師呼籲「用鼓掌的雙手做環保」,開啟慈濟環保志業 Master Cheng Yen advocated “protecting the environment with our own two hands” to initiate Tzu Chi's environmental mission
  2. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    「預約人間淨土」環保綠化篇系列活動,推動全民綠化、環保護生 Established the “Preserve the Pure Land” environmental protection and greening activity series to promote greening, environmental protection, and sustainability
  3. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    地球高峰會(巴西里約熱內盧),訂定「聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約 The Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) established the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    行政院頒布「環境教育要領」;垃圾處理政策,改為「焚化為主、掩埋為輔」 The Executive Yuan promulgated the Environmental Education Guidelines and changed the garbage disposal policy to incineration as the main method, landfill as the auxiliary method
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    慈濟全面推動環保,於基金會設置環保組,廣邀民眾加入環保志工的行列,普設回收站、推廣環保觀念生 Tzu Chi fully promoted environmental protection, set up an environmental protection group in the Foundation, invited the public to join the ranks of environmental protection volunteers, set up recycling stations, and promoted environmental protection concepts
  4. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    聯合國於設置「聯合國永續發展委員會」 The United Nations established the United Nations Sustainable Development Commission
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
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  5. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    慈濟全面推動環保餐具使用,帶動民眾隨身攜帶環保碗筷杯 Tzu Chi Foundation championed eco-friendly utensils, encouraging reusable alternatives
  6. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    COP1(德國柏林),開啟全球推動減緩氣候變遷之年度會議 COP1 (Berlin, Germany): launched the annual global conference to mitigate climate change
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
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  7. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    COP3(日本京都),訂定「京都議定書」 COP3 (Kyoto, Japan): adopted the Kyoto protocol
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
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  8. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    賑災兼顧環保,慈濟急難救助全面採用環保餐盒 Disaster relief and environmental protection: adopting eco-friendly food containers for Tzu Chi emergency aid
  9. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    資源回收再利用法上路;推動分階段限用塑膠袋及免洗餐具 Enacted resource recycling and utilization law, phased ban on plastic bags and disposable utensils
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    推動「垃圾變黃金,黃金變愛心,愛心化清流,清流繞全球」 Promoted “Waste into Gold, Gold into Love, Love into Pure Water, and Pure Water Flows Worldwide” initiative
  10. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    訂定《溫室氣體減量及管理法》,並推動垃圾強制分類計畫 Enacted the Enforcement Rules of the Climate Change Response Act and promoted mandatory waste separation programs
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    推動「環保五化」:年輕化、生活化、知識化、家庭化、心靈化 Promoted the 5 trends of environmental protection: younger, more practical, more knowledgeable, more family-friendly, and more spiritual
  11. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    推動「克己復禮」運動:推廣「有禮真好」、「全民減碳」 Promoted the “self-discipline and restoration of etiquette” movement, including “being polite is good” and “carbon reduction for all”
  12. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    大愛感恩科技公司獲准設立,致力研發各種環保產品 Received approval to establish the DA.AI Technology Co., Ltd. to develop various environmentally friendly products
  13. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    資源全回收、垃圾零掩埋(資源回收最大化,焚化垃圾最小化) Full resource recycling, zero landfill (maximize resource recycling, minimize incineration)
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    倡議以「一天五善」透過 素食、省水、省電、攜帶環保杯碗筷、改變交通方式,天天減少1.53公斤的排碳量,減緩暖化。環保屆滿二十年,推新理念:「環保清淨在源頭」、「環保精質化」 Advocated “5 good deeds a day” through vegetarianism, water conservation, saving electricity, using eco-friendly utensils, and changing transportation methods to reduce carbon emissions by 1.53 kg every day and slow down global warming. Introduced new concepts after 20 years of environmental protection: “Environmental Protection and Purification at the Source” and “Environmental Protection Refinement”
  14. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    公告風力發電離系統示範獎勵辦法 Promulgated incentive measures for wind power generation system
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
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  15. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    成為UNFCCC COP觀察員,開始組團參加COP Became a UNFCCC COP observer and started to form a COP delegation
  16. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    COP21(法國巴黎),訂定「巴黎協議」 COP21 (Paris, France): established the “Paris Agreement”
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
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  17. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    發起「111世界蔬醒日」活動:每年1月11日全球茹素 Launched the “World Ethical Eating Day 111” event, encouraging people worldwide to go vegetarian on January 11
  18. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    擴大禁止提供免費塑膠袋管制 Expanded the ban on providing free plastic bags
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
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  19. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    政府禁塑令擴大限用 Expanded plastic restrictions and bans
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
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  20. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    COP26(蘇格蘭格拉斯哥),訂定「格拉斯哥氣候公約」 COP26 (Glasgow, Scotland): established the “Glasgow Climate Convention”
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    總統蔡英文宣示臺灣在2050年淨零轉型 President Tsai Ing-Wen declared that Taiwan will achieve net-zero emissions by 2050
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    「環境教育這10年響綠生活嘉年華」活動,顏博文執行長對外承諾淨零排放 At the “Environmental Education in the Past 10 Years, Green Life Carnival” event, CEO Yen Po-Wen pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050
  21. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    發布「臺灣2050年淨零排放及策略總說明」,十二項關鍵戰略行動計畫 Announced the 12 key strategic action plans for “Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050”
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    簽署UNFCCC宣言,支持參與《巴黎協定》2050年前零碳排目標;進行花蓮靜思堂溫室氣體盤查 Signed the UNFCCC declaration, supported the Paris Agreement’s net-zero carbon emissions target by 2050, and conducted a greenhouse gas inventory at Hualien Jing Si Hall
  22. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    歐盟碳邊境調整機制(CBAM)上路 Launched the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    《溫室氣體減量及管理法》修正為《氣候變遷因應法》 Amended the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act to the “Climate Change Response Act”
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    成立「淨零排放專案團隊」,實施四大策略轉型 Established a “Net-Zero Emissions Project Team” to implement 4 strategic transformations
  23. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    碳費微收機制上路 Launch a carbon fee micro-collection mechanism
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
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  24. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    溫室氣體減量10% Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10%
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    碳排放零成長 Zero growth in carbon emissions
  25. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    碳排減少至2005年的45% Reduce carbon emissions by 45% compared to the 2005 level
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    溫室氣體減量25%。全國全面禁用一次性塑膠製品 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25%. Nationwide ban on single-use plastic products
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    碳排放減15% Reduce carbon emissions by 15%
  26. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
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    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
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    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    碳排放減50% Reduce carbon emissions by 50%
  27. 國際社會 International 臺灣社會 Taiwan 慈濟腳步 Tzu Chi's Impact
    國際社會: International:
    達到碳中和淨零排放 Achieve net-zero emissions goal
    臺灣社會: Taiwan:
    達到淨零目標 Achieve net-zero emissions goal
    慈濟腳步: Tzu Chi's Impact:
    達成碳排放淨零目標 Achieve net-zero emissions goal