組織治理 Organizational Governance

組織管理,首重有效且能快速回應,並且能適切的分配有限資源,確保以最高的效率,達成組織目標。 The top priorities of organizational governance are to be effective, respond quickly, and appropriately allocate limited resources to ensure the highest efficiency in achieving organizational goals.

爰此,自2017年敦聘從聯華電子執行長退休的顏博文為執行長後,於2020年第13屆第1次董監事會通過其續任案,顏博文到任後充分授權,極為重視組織永續、淨零排放、青年慈善參與、國際合作夥伴與倡議等議題,這兩年我們更明確職權架構,強化副執行長的與各處室的業務指導與連結,以利分層負責,同時依其督導處室搭配基金會重要推動的業務,擔任專案召集人,分工不分處、分工不離心。 We appointed Mr. Po-Wen Yen as our CEO after he retired from United Microelectronics Corporation’s CEO position in 2017. We also reappointed CEO Po-Wen Yen for a second term during the first session of the 13th Board of Directors and Supervisors meeting in 2020. CEO Po-Wen Yen attaches great importance to organizational sustainability, net zero emissions, youth charitable participation, and international partnerships and initiatives, and he has further clarified the power structure in the past two years to facilitate hierarchical responsibility. He also supervises the Foundation’s key operations and serves as the project convener. Instead of dividing the people, his division of labor strategies has strengthened a sense of cohesion among the staff. The Foundation’s CEO and Deputy CEOs are male and over 50 years old.

姓名 Name 業務督導處室 Business Supervision Department 專案召集人 Project Convener
顏博文執行長 CEO Po-Wen Yen 統整基金會相關業務 Foundation-related Operations 組織永續、青年志工招募 Organization sustainability, youth volunteer recruitment
張宗義副執行長 Deputy CEO George T. Chang 慈發處 Charity Development Department 聯合國相關事務、地方睦鄰、安美專案 UN relations, local partnerships, security, and aesthetic projects
熊士民副執行長 Deputy CEO Simon Shyong 宗教處 Religious Culture and Humanitarian Aid Department 志工教育訓練、環境教育 Volunteer education and training, environmental education
劉效成副執行長 Deputy CEO Scott Liu 人資處、總務處、營建處、資訊處、財務處、法務處 Human Resources Department, General Affairs Department, Construction Department, Information Management Department, Finance Department, Legal Affairs Department 內稽內控暨法規遵循、組織優化、資訊透明、資產暨附屬機構管理、大數據分析、淨零排放 Internal audit and regulation compliance, organization optimization, information transparency, asset and subsidiary management, Big Data analysis, net zero emissions
何日生副執行長 Deputy CEO Rey-Sheng Her 文史處、編纂處、公傳處 Literature and History Department, Compilation Department, Public Relations Department 慈濟論述國際認證、學術交流 Tzu Chi discourse international accreditation, academic exchanges
劉銘達副執行長 Deputy CEO David Liu 宗教處東南亞地區會務 Religious culture and Humanitarian Aid Department - Southeast Asia Regional Affairs 海外援助專案 Overseas aid projects
本會執行長與副執行長皆為男性,年齡五十歲以上。 The CEO and Deputy CEO of the Foundation are both male and over 50 years old.

另外,法令遵循是員工的守法及道德意識的根本,防止違法行為有助於組織聲譽及品牌形象更是組織的重要基礎之一,爰此,我們於2021年將法務室調整為處,並增設法律事務組,辦理法遵業務、契約審閱、疑義諮詢紛爭解決等,以降低各處違反法令為目標。 Regulation compliance is the foundation of law abiding and moral awareness for employees. Preventing illegal acts is one of the organization’s key principles. We moved the legal department to a new department in 2021 and added a legal affairs team to handle regulation compliance, contract review, doubt consultation, and dispute resolution. The goal is to reduce legal violations by any department.

2021年我們從內部拔擢原任文史處主任何日生為副執行長,專責文史處、編纂處及公傳處之業務,建構慈濟文史及推廣慈濟人文,並協助強化慈濟與社會大眾互動即時性、準確性新聞處理業務即時性與專業性。 In 2021, we promoted Rey-Sheng Her, former director of the Literature and History Department, to the position of Deputy CEO to take charge of the Literature and History Department, Compilation Department, and Public Relations Department. Deputy CEO Rey-Sheng Her is responsible for constructing and promoting Tzu Chi literature, strengthening the timeliness and accuracy of interactions between Tzu Chi and the public, and ensuring the timeliness and professionalism of news processing operations.

何副執行長曾為哈佛大學甘迺迪學院、牛津大學、劍橋大學、哥倫比亞大學訪問學者,從事「利他思想」、「善經濟」、「善治理」的理論研究、論述與實踐;長年致力人文傳播、宗教慈善與學術研究工作。與世界著名大學包括哈佛、普林斯頓、牛津、劍橋、北大、UBC等聯合發起「印證佛學講座」,推動當代佛教之研究。 Deputy CEO Rey-Sheng Her has been a visiting scholar at Harvard Kennedy School, Oxford University, Cambridge University, and Columbia University. He often engaged in “altruistic thinking,” “sound economy,” and “sound governance” related to theoretical research, discourse, and practice, and has devoted himself to humanistic communication, religious charity, and academic research for many years. He has jointly launched the Yin-Cheng Distinguished Lecture Series on Buddhism with seven world-renowned universities (Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, Peking, and the University of British Columbia) with the aim of promoting contemporary Buddhism studies.

現為哈佛大學文理學院CAMLab特聘學者、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學特聘研究員、中國人民大學特聘研究員、中國國際公益學院特聘教授,亦任教於國立政治大學、慈濟大學、慈濟科技大學、玄奘大學等。 Mr. Her is currently a CAMLab Distinguished Scholar at Harvard College of Arts and Sciences, a Distinguished Fellow at the University of British Columbia, a Distinguished Fellow at the Renmin University of China, and a Distinguished Professor at China International Philanthropy Institute. He also teaches at National Chengchi University, Tzu Chi University, Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology, Hsuan Chuang University, and other universities.


永續治理         Sustainable Governance        

健全的治理架構,是組織穩定發展的重要基石。在衛生福利部的監督下,依「財團法人法」以及按照相關法令、本會章程宗旨執行職務,落實創辦人理念,傳承靜思法脈,弘揚慈濟宗門之使命。 A sound governance structure is a critical cornerstone for the stable development of our organization. The Foundation will fulfill the founder’s vision of transmitting the Jing Si Dharma Lineage and advancing the Tzu Chi Path and perform duties with a high degree of self-discipline and prudence under supervision by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and according to the Foundations Act, the applicable laws and regulations, and the Foundation’s Articles of Incorporation.

董事會為基金會是最高治理單位,均依法令規章召開會議,審議相關重要事項。促進組織治理,並實質發揮對管理層級的指導及監督之責,除讓社會大眾的善款得到最佳的運用外,更強調遵循當地法令規定、資訊揭露透明、誠信清廉、永續發展與經營等。 The Foundation’s board of directors is its highest governance organization and will hold conferences to review relevant issues as required by law, promote organizational governance, and effectively guide and supervise the management level. In addition to making the best use of donations from the public, we must emphasize compliance with local laws and regulations, information transparency, full disclosure, integrity, and sustainable management.

  • 13 位董事中有8 位女性,另有監察人 1 位,平均年齡 66 歲,全為無酬無給職。 Among the 13 directors, 8 are women, and there is one supervisor. The average age of the directors is 66 years old, and all positions are unpaid.
  • 2020 年至 2022 年 5 月共計召開 13 次會議,出席率達 92% 以上。 A total of 13 meetings were held (including 5 interim board meetings) from 2020 to 2022, with an attendance rate of over 92%.
  • 13次會議當中包含了五次臨時董事會,主要快速回應與決策購買 BNT 疫苗與慈善援助需求等。 These meetings were mostly in response to the BNT vaccine purchase decisions and charitable assistance needs.
  • 訂定「誠信經營規範」,載明本會之 董事、監察人、執行長及職工於執行業務時,均應遵守財團法人法、公益勸募條例、其他與社會福利財團法人相關之政府法令及本會捐助章程與其他所有內部規章,不可有不誠信行為,需利益迴避。本會對於本會所屬人員違反誠信行為情節重大者,應依相關法令或依本會內規予以解任或解雇。 The Foundation’s operations are in strict compliance with the Foundations Act, Charity Donations Destined for Social Welfare Funds Implementation Regulations, other government decrees related to social welfare foundations, the Foundation’s donation charter, and all other internal provisions. We have also formulated the Integrity Management Guideline to stipulate that the Foundation’s directors, supervisors, CEOs, and employees must maintain honesty during business executions and observe the conflict of interest rules. The Foundation will dismiss any personnel with severe integrity violations according to the relevant laws and regulations or the Foundation’s internal provisions.

董事會編有「永續發展委員會」和「資產管理委員會」二個功能性委員會,針對永續發展策略及重大議題與資產管理政策與處理,其中組織永續為全體董事極為重視的課題,因此,整體董事全員參與,並將其議題納入董事會會議中討論。 The board of directors has two functional committees: the Sustainable Development Committee and the Asset Management Committee. They are in charge of sustainable development strategies and other major topics, including formulating asset management policies. Among them, organizational sustainability is a critical issue for all directors, and therefore, all directors must participate and include this issue in board meetings for discussion.

委員會 Committee 開會次數 Meeting Frequency 討論議題 Discussion Topics
資產管理委員會 Asset Management Committee 7 援建學校捐贈案、土地捐贈策略、閒置資產處分、保護山林政策...等 School construction donation aid case, land donation strategy, idle assets disposal, forest protection policies, etc.
永續發展委員會 Sustainable Development Committee 1 全球疫情與風險因應、青年培力與組織永續、合作共善與永續願景、淨零排放 Global pandemic and risk response, youth development and organizational sustainability, common good cooperation and sustainable vision, net zero emissions
說明:各委員會另有不定期的成員內部溝通,無列入開會次數 Note: Each committee also has unscheduled internal communication among members, which is not included in the number of meetings.

因應高齡化社會我們於 2018 年於董事會下設置「長照推展中心」, 由董事林碧玉擔任總召集人,積極推動長照中心六全(全人、全 家、全程、全隊、全社區、全心)照顧,並受國健署委託辦理慈悲關懷友善社區推動計畫,匯聚醫院、機構、學校三方資源;也在總召集人林碧玉的規劃下,於全台設置24家長照機構,讓「醫養結合」,把現代醫療服務與養老保障相互結合,以達「醫養共需」讓長者晚年更有尊嚴與品質。 In response to the growing population of senior citizens, we established a Long-term Care Promotion Center under the board of directors in 2018. Chairperson Pi-Yu Lin was appointed the convener of the center to actively promote “whole person, whole family, whole process, whole team, whole community, and wholehearted” care. The center was also commissioned to implement compassionate care and a friendly community promotion plan by consolidating resources from hospitals, institutions, and schools. A total of 24 long-term care centers were established in Taiwan under Convener Pi-Yu Lin’s leadership. The system combines medical and elderly care to ensure modern medical services and elderly care protection, and give the elderly more dignity and a greater quality of life during their later years.

組織管理首重內控制度建立,近三年法務處陸續完成本會慈善、人事、財務、總務及營建等12項內控循環風險及100項三階辦法作業,不定時於內控作業文件系統進行公告,並隨時更新及管理,以為內部單位會務推動遵循方針。 “Prevent in advance, deal with the event as it happens, and make improvements afterward.” It is our way of coping with internal and external risks. The risk types have become increasingly diverse in light of the volatile environment. After our domestic and foreign risk inventory in 2018, we selected four risk categories that we must pay special attention to for the next decade, as well as proposed countermeasures. We will review the risk categories and make appropriate corrections in the future.