人間苦,念無常,天蓋之下、地載之上,人間正面臨地、水、火、風四大不調,全球災難頻傳,;新冠肺炎疫情擴散,沒有國界之分別,病毒亦不分人種或膚色,人人都要戒慎虔誠,嚴密防護,更要盡力救助。 The world is suffering, and all beings under the heavens and above the ground are being tested. Disasters of land, water, fire, and wind spread frequently, and they are happening throughout the world almost continuously. The COVID-19 pandemic has spread widely and is shrouded in the void. This virus does not care about national borders, ethnic races, or skin color. Everyone must be cautious, carefully protect themselves, and do their best to help.


這一波疫情,許多國家封城封市,寸步難行,但慈濟救濟工作沒有停歇,做好防護工作,走入苦難之中,以慈悲與勇敢去付出與救助,突破一切困難,不怕辛苦,只為眾生得離苦,這就是天下慈濟人共同的心念。 As the waves of this pandemic rolled in, many nations locked down their cities and towns. But that did not stop the Foundation’s relief efforts. We have marched into the hardest-hit areas with proper protective gear to offer charity and help with compassion and courage. Our goal is to free all sentient beings from suffering by overcoming all difficulties and embracing hard work. This is the common conviction of Tzu Chi members worldwide.

天下人為慈濟而付出,慈濟為天下人毫無保留,這就是共伴共愛。慈濟人慈悲濟世,慈是無緣大慈,悲是同體大悲,在這個非常時期,大家要相互疼惜,共伴共生息;依著人人的愛,為苦難人盡心付出,盡力讓多一點救災物資能到位。呼籲人人點點滴滴發心,行善造福,把福氣凝聚起來。 As people support Tzu Chi worldwide, we have no reservations about giving to the people. That is the principle of mutual love and compassion. Tzu Chi aims to inspire compassion and kindness in the world. “Tzu” means boundless compassion, and “Chi” means kindness to all. During these trying times, we must cherish and protect one another and do everything we can to bring relief resources to suffering people. We must gather the kindness in one another’s hearts and turn it into an unstoppable force of good deeds and blessings.

這波災疫是大自然給人類的警訊,「大哉教育」非受教不可。要感恩與懺悔──感恩大地以穀類青蔬鮮果,提供我們完整的營養;人與人之間共同結合成一個社會,衣、食、住、行充足,彼此要互助互愛;懺悔生活中因為貪、瞋、癡而犯錯,有懺悔,才會有警覺。還要以懇切的虔誠心、清淨的善念祈禱,而「茹素」最能表達心意的虔誠。 The recent waves of disasters are warning messages from nature to human beings, and major lessons must be learned. Be grateful and repent. We must show gratitude to the earth for its bounties that give us sustenance. People must unite to form a society with sufficient clothing, food, housing, and transportation by helping each other. We can only stay vigilant and correct our blunders by repenting the mistakes made in life because of greed, hatred, and ignorance. Let us pray with sincere devotion and pure kindness, and practice vegetarianism to express the dedication of the heart.

疫情非人力可擋,要持續提高警覺,還要會合人人的虔誠心力,齋戒茹素,凝聚愛心造福。這不只是口頭上表達愛,要有完整的愛,斷葷從素,不造惡業。根據聯合國糧食與農業組織二○一九年統計,當年超過八百億動物被宰殺以供應人類食用,平均每天兩億多條生命消逝。眾生平等,動物被殺害時也會怕痛怕死,含冤帶恨;人類欲無止盡,吞食動物,病從口入。 Human beings cannot stop COVID-19. We must continue to be vigilant, devote our hearts to prayers, practice fasting and vegetarianism, and gather the strength of love and blessing. It is more than just verbal expressions of love. Comprehensive love must start by renouncing meat, and we must become vegetarians to stop the cycle of bad karma. According to the 2019 statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, over 80 billion animals were slaughtered for human consumption that year, and more than 200 million lives were taken daily. All living beings are equal. When animals are killed, they also feel the emotions of fear of death, grief, and hatred. Human beings have endless desires, and diseases enter our bodies along with food when we choose to devour animals.


清除無明與口欲,五穀雜糧青蔬能維持身體營養,享用時心安理得;吃素的人多,動物飼養量就可以減少,避免其呼吸、排泄污染空氣、大地與水源,也減輕地球環境的負擔。人人身心健康,人間就平安。天地萬物共生息,戒殺、持齋,護生更要互愛,這樣的呼籲不斷地開擴,有呼籲就會有響應,非素不可,非推不可,從慈濟人以身作則開始;佛陀的教育就是天下眾生皆有佛性,要拯救眾生、愛護眾生。 Let us eliminate the ignorance and the desire to eat meat. Whole grains and green vegetables can provide balanced sustenance and nutrition for the body, and we can enjoy them with peace of mind. More vegetarians mean fewer animals farmed for food, which leads to less polluted air, less consumption of land and water resources, and a reduced burden on the earth’s environment. The world will reach a state of peace when everyone is physically and mentally healthy. All living beings must coexist in harmony. We should abstain from killing, practice vegetarianism, protect life, and love one another. Such calls are constantly being expanded, and people are inspired by these calls. Promoting and practicing vegetarianism is vital, and the Tzu Chi members are leading by example. The Buddha’s teaching is that all living beings are sentient, and we must love and protect all creatures.

茹素可以培養我們的慈悲心,為人間造福,讓社會安定幸福,這就是慈心;看到人間疾苦,聚善付出,不讓苦難再延伸,那就是悲念。懷抱慈心、悲念,以「慈悲為導航」,不讓人心迷失方向,人人做導航者,在茫茫大海中,讓一艘艘慈航點亮了燈光,向著燈塔的方向靠岸。 Vegetarianism can cultivate our compassion, benefit the world, and create stable and content societies. That is compassion. By acknowledging suffering worldwide, we may gather the strength of kindness and giving to help stop the suffering from spreading. That is kindness. Embrace compassion and kindness, and let them be the “beacon” of your heart. We are all navigators in the vast unknown ocean. If each boat is lit with the beacon of compassion and kindness, we can all sail toward the lighthouse together and dock safely.

「人間苦難偏多,哪裏有災難就需要菩薩湧現。」慈濟眾多志工,自我期許成為運載群生,得度彼岸的人間菩薩。即使個人力量微薄,將力量結合起來,相互接力去救助,如螢火蟲一般,於住居所在閃亮發光,當滿天都是螢火蟲之時,可為人帶路,指引正確的方向,撫慰多難世間。 “Suffering is abounding in this world, and Bodhisattva must emerge wherever there is a calamity.” Many Tzu Chi volunteers hope to become a human Bodhisattva who can help to alleviate suffering. Even if one’s individual strength is meager, we can combine our strengths and rely on one another to help. Like the glimmers of fireflies when gathered in the sky, their light can guide people toward the right path and bring comfort to the arduous world.

五十五年前啟一個心念,三十個人每天節省五毛錢,即開始做慈善工作;從臺灣出發,面向全球,如今慈濟人分布在六十六個國家地區,鄰近國家假如有災難,他們就地取材、就地取糧去救人。如果沒有當初的「五毛錢」,就沒有現在,包括長期或急難救助,慈濟人道援助足跡已走到一百二十六個國家。 An idea was sparked 55 years ago: 30 people would save two cents a day. From this humble beginning, charity work that began in Taiwan has expanded to all corners of the world. Today, Tzu Chi volunteers are distributed across 66 countries and regions. Whenever there is a disaster in neighboring countries, we gather materials and food locally to offer relief. Without the two cents a day back then, Tzu Chi’s long-term or emergency assistance and humanitarian care footprint in 128 countries today would not have been possible.


「在黑暗的角落,我們為眾生點起一支蠟燭,讓他們看見方向,走向光明;對於苦難人,我們給予所需要的生活物資,讓他們不至於挨餓受凍。慈濟人所做的一切,都是期待貧者徹底翻轉人生,所以希望廣招人間菩薩,把這條道開得更寬廣、路鋪得更平坦,讓更多苦難人有改善人生的機會。」 We will light a candle in the darkest corners to show people the way toward the light. For those who are suffering, we will offer vital living materials to keep them from starving or freezing. Everything Tzu Chi volunteers do is to help the poor turn their lives around. We hope to recruit Bodhisattvas in the world to make the transition path wider and smoother and give more suffering people the opportunity to improve their lives.

當人人心中的善念被啟發了,世界和平終將成為可能。 World peace will eventually become possible as we inspire kindness in everyone’s hearts.