
世界經濟論壇 (WEF)《2021年全球風險報告, The Global Risks Report 2021》揭櫫2021年將是「破碎的未來」(Fractured Future)的一年,自2020年初爆發的新冠疫情,在2021年加劇漫延全球,加上國際間地緣政治的緊張關係惡化、貿易冷戰持續,嚴重影響經濟的發展和民生的穩定,尤其是經濟弱勢國家及社會的底層,著實反應全球面臨了一個衝突分裂的未來。 The Global Risks Report 2021, published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), revealed that 2021 would be the year of a fractured future. Since COVID-19 broke out at the beginning of 2020, it intensified and spread across the globe in 2021. International geopolitical tensions and the trade cold war continued. These factors have severely affected stability, especially for people in economically disadvantaged countries or at the bottom of society. These factors show that the world is facing future conflicts and divisions.

慈濟秉持 證嚴上人大愛無國界的人道精神,關切受疫情影響全球性防疫及生活物資匱乏的弱勢族群,擘劃跨國家、跨宗教、跨領域、跨機構與公私組織合作展開各項援助計畫,合計援助超過1萬機構與組織,截至2022年5月已經援助97個國家地區的防疫物資(逾5,201萬件)與經濟紓困(逾2,165萬人次受惠) ,其中有24國家地區是慈濟首次援助的國度,歷來國際援助增至128個國家地區。 Tzu Chi will continue to uphold Master Cheng Yen’s “great love without borders” humanitarian spirit to provide care to vulnerable groups lacking COVID-19 prevention or living resources. We devised a plan that transcended the national, religious, field, institution, or public and private organizational borders to provide various assistance programs to over 10,000 institutions and organizations. As of May 2022, we have provided epidemic prevention materials (over 52.01 million items) and economic relief (over 21.65 million people benefited) to 97 countries and regions. Among them, 24 countries and regions received assistance from Tzu Chi for the first time, which increased the number of countries receiving aid from Tzu Chi to 128.

2021年5月臺灣新冠疫情攀升並進入三級警戒,慈濟的「直接」援助原則在疫情中格外艱鉅,然 上人當機立斷「擴大量能」並根據醫療、經濟、教育、篩檢、疫苗等多重需求,四大志業合作全方位馳援「醫療防疫物資」、「疾疫紓困」、「安學計畫」、「社區防護站」、「疫苗採購捐贈」六大防疫行動,其中慈濟在2021年5月底宣佈願為當時新冠疫苗不足的臺灣購買疫苗,爾後並與鴻海永齡基金會、台積電三方通力合作,合計捐購1,500萬劑BNT疫苗,全數捐贈衛生主管機關供全民施打,9月22日,讓12-17歲青少年終得在臺灣安心接種新冠疫苗。 In May 2021, Taiwan’s COVID-19 status worsened, raising the alert to Level 3. Tzu Chi’s direct assistance practice became particularly arduous during the pandemic. However, the Master took the initiative to expand capacity based on the Medical, economic, educational, screening, vaccine, and other needs by consolidating Tzu Chi’s four missions to provide comprehensive epidemic prevention support in terms of Medical Anti-Epidemic Materials, Disease Relief, Safe School Programs, Community Protection Stations, and Vaccine Procurement Donations. Tzu Chi announced at the end of May 2021 that it would purchase the urgently needed vaccines for Taiwan. Subsequently, Tzu Chi has partnered with Hon Hai Yonglin Foundation and TSMC to acquire a total of 15 million doses of BNT vaccine and donate them to Taiwan’s health authorities to vaccinate the public. On September 22, 2021, adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 were finally able to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in Taiwan.

回顧幅員全球的防疫、紓困、賑災,當中日以續夜、考驗重重難言諭,慈濟確實有點不自量力去做這些事情,但想起 上人救災救人的急切,就義無反顧,沒有問有沒有錢、有多困難,只想一一完成。上人曾提醒我:「我們不是看到希望才堅持,而是堅持才有希望。」這當中要特別感恩很多慈濟人及認同慈濟的企業領袖們全然信任、大力護持。 Looking back at the nonstop challenges during our epidemic prevention, support, and disaster relief efforts worldwide, we were almost in over our heads. But the Foundation did not hesitate to fulfill the Master’s plan to help others from dire disasters. We didn’t care how much money it would take or how difficult it would be; we just wanted to complete the missions. Master Cheng Yen once reminded us, “We don’t persist after seeing hope. We must persist to gain hope.” In this regard, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to many Tzu Chi volunteers and corporate leaders who stood at Tzu Chi’s side and gave us their complete trust and support.

2021年10月,慈濟赴格拉斯哥舉行的 COP26第26屆聯合國氣候變遷大會,受邀出席4場大會及會議、主辦9場記者會,與全球產官學及民間組織探討氣候變遷各面向影響、解方、合作經驗和慈濟行動。2022年4月7日慈濟正式加入聯合國氣候變化綱要公約「現在氣候中和倡議」(UNFCCC Climate Neutral Now Initiative)共同推行氣候行動。 In October 2021, Tzu Chi attended Glasgow’s 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). Tzu Chi was invited to participate in four conferences and hosted nine press conferences to explore all aspects of climate change impacts, solutions, collaborative experiences, and Tzu Chi actions with industries, governments, academia, and civic organizations worldwide. On April 7, 2022, Tzu Chi officially joined the UNFCCC Climate Neutral Now Initiative to jointly promote climate actions.


我們由臺灣邁出第一步,2021年中宣示「淨零排放」,以科學基礎方法(Science-Based Targets, SBT)從溫室氣體盤查開始訂定減碳目標,朝著2025年碳排放零成長,2040年碳排放減50%,期於2050年達成淨零排放目標。環保志業由環保回收、循環經濟邁向淨零排放,是為全人類及地球謀永續,每個人從自身做起環保茹素、簡約生活,才是根本防疫、人類永續的良方妙藥。 We took the first step in Taiwan to declare “net zero emissions” in mid-2021 and used Science-Based Targets (SBT) to set carbon reduction objectives starting from the greenhouse gas inventory. The goals are to stop carbon emission growth by 2025, reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2040, and achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The environmental protection mission is gravitating from recycling and “circular economy” to net zero emissions to achieve sustainability for all humankind and the earth. Everyone must practice environmental protection, become vegetarian, and live a simple life. This concept is the best medicine for fundamental epidemic prevention and human sustainability.


變,是唯一的不變;永續,是慈濟基金會致力的方向。2022年慈濟積極呼應聯合國永續發展的ESG(環境保護Environment、社會責任Social、公司治理Governance)並進策略: Nothing is permanent except change, and the Tzu Chi Foundation is committed to achieving sustainability. In 2022, Tzu Chi has actively worked in concert with the United Nations Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy for sustainable development:

  1. 「環境永續」行動:由「環保一條龍」循環經濟、「線上環境教育競賽」環境教育,進而推進2050年「淨零排放」。 Environmental Sustainability Actions: “One-stop Environmental Protection” circular economy, “Online Environmental Education Competition” environmental education, and promote “Net Zero Emissions” by 2050.
  2. 「社會永續」行動:深入全球慈善行動,推動韌性社區計畫,提升「防災士」、「關懷士」雙培訓的志工專業訓練,並擴大「青年公益實踐計劃」發揮「青銀共創」。 Social Sustainability Actions: Participate in global charitable activities, promote community resilience plans, train “disaster relief” and “caring” volunteers, and expand the “youth public welfare practice plan” to exert “youth and senior co-creation.”
  3. 「治理永續」行動:規劃短、中、長期永續發展計畫,架構本會各層級組織,致力於強化「全球合作共善」的夥伴關係,邁向全方位永續行動。 Governance Sustainability Actions: Plan short-, medium-, and long-term sustainable development plans; structure this Foundation’s organizations at all levels; strengthen the “global cooperation and common good” partnerships; and gravitate toward comprehensive sustainability actions.

2022年慈濟將邁向第57年,使致力於人間佛教的靜思法脈,拓展落實於全球各慈濟分會及分支聯絡處,讓紹繼佛慧的慈善志業邁向永續,是全球靜思弟子共同的使命。 Tzu Chi will enter its 57th year in 2022. All Tzu Chi disciples’ common mission is to expand the Jing Si Dharma Lineage of the humanistic Buddhism concepts to all Tzu Chi branches and liaison offices worldwide and achieve sustainability for Buddhism-inspired charitable missions.