請給我們回饋 Public Welfare Concern and Feedback

Step 1

感恩您對於慈濟永續議題的關注,請您撥冗約 3 分鐘時間,您的回饋有助於我們持續推動永續發展作為。 Thank you for your attention to Tzu Chi's sustainability issues. We kindly ask you to take about 3 minutes to provide your feedback. Your input will help us continue our efforts in promoting sustainable development.

Step 2
2 of 21 completed

請先留下基本資訊 Please provide your basic information:

性別: Gender:

Step 3
3 of 21 completed

年齡區段 Age Range

Step 4
4 of 21 completed

請問您與慈濟的關係: What is your relationship with Tzu Chi?

  • 志工 Volunteer
Step 5
5 of 21 completed

Have you ever read about Tzu Chi’s Sustainable Report?

Step 6
6 of 21 completed

Organizational Governance and Management

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Governance Aspect]?

Step 7
7 of 21 completed

Regulatory Compliance and Public Policy Participation

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Governance Aspect]?

Step 8
8 of 21 completed

Information Security and Personal Data Protection

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Governance Aspect]?

Step 9
9 of 21 completed

Climate Change Risk Management

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Governance Aspect]?

Step 10
10 of 21 completed

Charitable Investment and Effectiveness

How concerned are you about the following sustainability issues [Governance]What is your level of co

Step 11
11 of 21 completed

Domestic and International Disaster Relief

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Governance Aspect]?

Step 12
12 of 21 completed

Information Transparency and Communication

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Governance Aspect]?

Step 13
13 of 21 completed

Green Building and Energy Saving Initiatives

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Environmental Aspect]?

Step 14
14 of 21 completed

Promotion of Eco-Friendly Plant-Based Diet

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Environmental Aspect]?

Step 15
15 of 21 completed

Green Procurement

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Environmental Aspect]?

Step 16
16 of 21 completed

Healthy and Safe Workplace

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Social Aspect]?

Step 17
17 of 21 completed

Employee Development and Care

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Social Aspect]?

Step 18
18 of 21 completed

Volunteer Development and Care

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Social Aspect]?

Step 19
19 of 21 completed

Youth Development and Legacy

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Social Aspect]?

Step 20
20 of 21 completed

Domestic and International Collaboration and Advocacy

What is your level of concern regarding the following sustainability issues [Social Aspect]?

Step 21
21 of 21 completed

Thank you for taking the time to respond. Besides the topics mentioned above, what other issues do you think Tzu Chi should invest resources in?