永續策略目標 Sustainability Strategy Goals

E - 環境與淨零排放 “E-Environment and Net-Zero Emissions” Vision

  • 環保倡議與全球行動 Promote environmental initiatives and global action
  • 評估氣候風險 Assessing climate risks
  • 通過ISO 14064-1:2018溫室氣體查驗,以2023年為基準年進行減量 Passed ISO 14064-1:2018 greenhouse gas inspection and used 2023 as the base year for reduction
  • 優化能源管理模式,降低據點能耗。 Optimize the energy management model and reduction of base energy consumption
  • 強化氣候變遷下的財務風險等相關因應 Strengthen financial risk management and responses to o related effects of climate change
  • 持續進行環境相關ISO查驗證 Continue to conduct environment-related ISO verification
  • 持續推動低碳營運、建置綠色能源場域。 Continue to promote low-carbon operations and build green energy fields
  • 友善環境與地球 Goodness of the Environment and the Earth
  • 2050年達淨零排放 Net-Zero Emissions by 2050
In alignment with the “Goodness of the Environment” and “Goodness of the Earth” goals outlined in the Buddhist Tzu Chi Charity Foundation Vision White Paper, we aim to establish a sustainable and harmonious planet, cultivate friendly and harmonious relationships between people and the environment, between people and nature, and among people themselves. We also promote disaster reduction projects and disaster prevention education to address climate change and environmental disasters and establish disaster relief information platforms to reduce the impact of disasters.

S - 社會共融與溝通 “S-Social Inclusion and Communication” Vision

Guided by the “Goodness of the Hope, Goodness of the Life, Goodness of the Community, and Goodness of the Internationality” envisioned by the Buddhist Tzu Chi Charity Foundation Vision White Paper, we have embraced the principle of localized philanthropy to collaborate with partners in creating a safe haven for high-risk and vulnerable families in communities, enhancing their quality of life, encouraging everyone to participate in charity, empowering each other, and fostering sustainable community development. We have actively participated in cross-border assistance according to Taiwanese and international laws to fulfill our international social responsibilities. We encourage global goodwill to provide financial and material aid, supplemental human resources, and resource sharing. We aim to create a vision of shared prosperity based on love and peace.
  • 強化慈善在地化 Strengthen charity localization
  • 人才優化強化青年世代接引 Optimize talents and strengthen the introduction of young generations
  • 永續人才培育與專師培訓認證 Sustainable talent cultivation and expert training certification
  • 編織慈善合作夥伴脈絡 Weave a network of charity partners
  • 傳承人才與新世代接引 Pass on talents and introduce new generations
  • 合作共善慈善深耕 Cultivate cooperation and charity
  • 長者整合健康照護 Integrated healthcare for the elderly
  • 心靈居、心鄰居,讓慈濟成為社區好鄰居,發揮美善效應。 Spiritual home with heartwarming neighbors - Let Tzu Chi be a positive influence in the community and foster benevolence
  • 建構友善幸福職場環境,持續吸引優秀人才 Build a friendly and happy workplace and continue to attract outstanding talent

G - 治理與永續發展 “G-Governance and Sustainable Development” Vision

Guided by our Organizational Optimization, Financial Transparency, and Sustainable Social Responsibility commitments made to the public in 2015, we further pledged “Goodness of the Governance” to strengthen our organizational structure with a fair, transparent, and effective governance framework. We also embrace “Goodness of the Collaboration” by inviting organizations and enterprises that share our values to collaborate professionally and ideologically in fulfilling our social responsibility. We aim to make the light of love and kindness from Taiwan shine brightly across the globe.
  • 慈濟論述國際認證,透過各項獎項提高能見度 Obtain Tzu Chi Discourse International Accreditation and increase visibility through various awards
  • 精實流程效率全球資安強化 Refine process efficiency and enhance global securitys
  • 董事治理強化與資產資訊優化 Strengthen board governance and optimize asset information
  • 永續ESG強化治理 Strengthen sustainable ESG governance
  • 職工志工募心募愛能量提升 Empower employees and volunteers through fundraising and charity initiatives
  • 加强宗門連結展現四大一體 Strengthen the dharma lineage connection to showcase the four missions of Tzu Chi
  • 粽串精神全球化活絡組織合和 Collaborate globally to revitalize organizational harmony
  • 宗門永續使命愛灑網際螢火蟲 Spread the Tzu Chi mission of love globally to ensure dharma lineage sustainability
  • 組織永續 Maintain organizational sustainabilit
  • 推動「慈濟」與「慈善」共創品牌善循環效應 Promote the Tzu Chi and charity” brands to create a positive synergy
  • 深入法脈精神發揮粽頭良能 Delving into the dharma lineage to unleash the potential of the collective
  • 淨化人心、社會祥和、天下無災難 Purify hearts, promote social harmony, and create a world free from disasters