公益關注者溝通 Major Issues

我們的服務對象是以「人」為主體,因此在對人、對組織的溝通,是我們最直接且重要的。我們以誠以情傾聽各界的指教與建議,聆聽需求且傳遞所推動及實踐之慈善服務、急難救助與環保永續之成果。爰此,我們設立多元的溝通管道,依各公益關注者屬性及需求,選取暢通的溝通平臺與對應的溝通頻率,並善用現代網路科技,發展社群平臺,提升與公益關注者之聯繫與互動。 Our services are mainly focused on people, so communication with people and organizations is the most direct and important for us. These eight categories of stakeholders are our main communication targets. We sincerely listen to the guidance and suggestions from all walks of life, listen to their needs, and convey the results of our charitable services, emergency relief, and environmental sustainability efforts. Therefore, we have established a variety of communication channels. According to the attributes and needs of each stakeholder, we select appropriate communication platforms and corresponding communication frequencies. We also make good use of modern internet technology to develop social platforms to enhance our connection and interaction with stakeholders.

公益關注者溝通管道 Stakeholder Communication Channelss

關注主題 Topics of Concern
Charitable Engagement and Effectiveness
Information Utilization, Security, and Protection
Organizational Sustainability Governance
  • Real-time:Media (1), Telecommunications (2), Consulting, and Email
  • Weekly:Magazine publications
  • Monthly:Regular distribution activities
  • Irregular:Home visits
    Participation in activities
  • We distribute hard copies or electronic subscriptions of our weekly and quarterly reports to keep beneficiaries informed about the development of our charitable work.
  • We have obtained ISO 27001:2013 certification and regularly strengthen information security training for employees and volunteers to ensure the protection of beneficiaries’ privacy.
  • We are committed to corporate social responsibility and are developing the Tzu Chi Connect app to provide continuous assistance to beneficiaries before they become self-sufficient.
關注主題 Topics of Concern
Information Utilization, Security, and Protection
Domestic and International Disaster Relief
Organizational Sustainability Governance
Welfare and Workplace Safety for Employees and Volunteers
  • Real-time:Official website, Credibility, Internet mailbox, Media (1), Telecommunications (2)
  • Weekly:Magazines (3)
  • Monthly/Once a year:Donation receipts
  • Irregular:Participation in activities, Visit
  • Distribute hard copies or electronic subscriptions of our quarterly and weekly reports to keep members informed about our charitable activities.
  • Obtain ISO 27001:2013 certification and regularly strengthen information security training for employees and volunteers. We also effectively protect members’ privacy by respecting their privacy preferences, such as personal identification.
  • Adhere to corporate social responsibility and develop the Tzu Chi Connect app to attract new members and encourage existing members to continue their support.
  • Combine volunteer resources with regular education and training to protect the rights of volunteers and strengthen their willingness to stay.
關注主題 Topics of Concern
Charity Experience Inheritance
Charitable Engagement and Effectiveness
Domestic and International Disaster Relief
  • Real-time:Mail, Telecommunications (2), Official website, Internet mailbox, Media (1)
  • Weekly:Magazines (3)
  • At least once a month:Meetings
  • Irregular:Participation in activities, Education and training
  • Leverage social media engagement and encourage young people to participate in public welfare activities to ensure the sustainability of our charitable work.
  • Hold regular meetings and maintain real-time communication with our service centers to stay informed about the need for adjustments to our charitable work processes, ensuring maximum effectiveness.
  • Disseminate information about relief efforts around the world through weekly reports and live online seminars.
關注主題 Topics of Concern
Charitable Engagement and Effectiveness
  • Real-time:Press Release, Media (1), Foundation’s Official Website
  • Weekly:Magazines (2)
  • Irregular:Press conferences
  • Strengthen ties with local media in various regions, standardize the windows, truly understand the needs of mass media reporting and editorial desk expectations, and translate them into appropriate information communication and promotion.
關注主題 Topics of Concern
Domestic and International Disaster Relief
Charity Experience Inheritance
Organizational Sustainability Governance
  • Annually:Magazines (3)
  • Twice a year:Participate in liaison meetings
  • Irregular:Official letters, Meetings and visits, Participate in education and training, Participate in public hearings, Physical audits
  • Sign partnerships to provide material and human resources in response to global disasters.
  • Leverage our respective expertise to collaborate on capacity-building initiatives, such as disaster preparedness training for the Ministry of the Interior and caregiver training in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Welfare and non-governmental organizations.
  • Build robust internal audit and control mechanisms, provide comprehensive legal education and training, and regularly review and adjust to regulatory changes.
關注主題 Topics of Concern
Organizational Sustainability Governance
Charitable Engagement and Effectiveness
Domestic and International Cooperation and Initiatives
  • Real-time:Foundation’s Official Website
  • Weekly:Magazines (3)
  • :Exchanges, Seminars/forums, Visits, Questions and interviews, Participation in activities
  • Optimize internal governance through consulting mechanisms and refer to homogeneous multinational organizational mechanisms.
  • Adjust annual reports to better calibrate professional evaluation needs and convey the scientific evaluation benefits of charitable career development.
  • Discuss issues such as charitable sustainability and net-zero carbon emissions through global academic exchanges and cross-regional cooperation.
關注主題 Topics of Concern
Organizational Sustainability Governance
Charitable Engagement and Effectiveness
Domestic and International Cooperation and Initiatives
  • Real-time:Telecommunications (2), Internet mailbox, Media (1)
  • Irregular:Contracts, meetings, Participation in activities
  • Optimize internal governance through consulting mechanisms and refer to homogeneous multinational organizational mechanisms.
  • Adjust annual reports to better calibrate professional evaluation needs and convey the scientific evaluation benefits of charitable career development.
  • Discuss issues such as charitable sustainability and net-zero carbon emissions through global academic exchanges and cross-regional cooperation.
關注主題 Topics of Concern
Charitable Engagement and Effectiveness
Organizational Sustainability Governance
Information Utilization, Security, and Protection
  • Real-time:Internet mailbox, Telecommunications (2), Official website, Media (1), Magazines (3)
  • Irregular:Visit
  • Use a variety of social media platforms and e-newsletters to disseminate information about our charitable work to the public.
  • Strengthen organizational transparency by actively participating in public events and showcasing our organization’s dynamism.
  • Clearly communicate the purpose and safeguards for collecting various types of information, fostering public trust in our privacy protection measures.
關注主題 Topics of Concern
Charitable Engagement and Effectiveness
Organizational Sustainability Governance
Care and Diversity Inclusion for Employees and Volunteers
Welfare and Workplace Safety for Employees and Volunteers
  • Real-time:Hotline, Feedback mailbox, New interviews, Internal and external websites, Letters
  • At least twice a year:Performance interview
  • Irregular:Education and training, Meetings, Online questionnaires, Participation in activities
  • Use digital tools and training programs to effectively aggregate work performance data and reinforce employee achievements.
  • Implement legal education and foster employee identification with and confidence in the Foundation’s future plans.
  • Ensure that our HRM systems conform to the Ministry of Labor’s certification requirements. This will guarantee that occupational health and safety procedures and employee care are always being improved.

慈濟網站意見信箱 Tzu Chi Website’ Suggestion Box

2021年到2023年統計,分別收到1,004件、1,045 件及 831 件,總計 2,880件來函。排除電子報退訂閱服務236件,來件數最多者為諮詢需求,主要詢問慈濟其他志業相關訊息,如醫療或教育,占35%;其次為慈善求援(含國內/外)占31%;第三為其它,占17%,其中包括參訪需求、捐款洽詢、志工資料庫服務、企業合作、時事反應等個別項目;投訴與建議則各佔9%和8%。我們在收到相關意見後,由專責單位派發信件內容相關之負責處室,透過系統機制追蹤後續回應狀況,即時監控與反映、改善及回應。 From 2021 to 2023, we received 2,880 inquiries via our website’s feedback form, with 1,004, 1,045, and 831 inquiries received in 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. Excluding 236 email newsletter unsubscribe requests, the most common inquiries received were requests for information about other Tzu Chi initiatives, such as healthcare or education (35%), requests for charity assistance, both domestic and international (31%), and other inquiries (17%), which included visit requests, donation inquiries, volunteer database services, corporate partnerships, and current events responses. Complaints and suggestions each accounted for 9% and 8% of inquiries, respectively. Upon receiving feedback, we route it to the relevant department based on the content of the message. We use a system to track the response status and ensure timely monitoring, reflection, improvement, and feedback to the sender.
915 Cases
Inquiries related to Tzu Chi missions
Complaints/ Objections
245 Cases
Feedback on comprehensive range of services
450 Cases
Inquiries including visit requests, donation inquiries, volunteer database services, corporate partnerships, current events responses, material donations, gratitude messages, academic exchange inquiries, interview requests, and volunteer participation inquiries
Charity Assistance
829 Cases
Inquiries related to domestic and international charity assistance, case reporting
205 Cases
Recommendations for the improvement of Tzu Chi missions