關注主題分析是我們瞭解公益關注者關注議題與溝通的重要方針之一,我們遵循國際編纂報告書之指標,逐步建構內部ESG學習型組織。 The Topics of Interest Analysis is one of our key guidelines for compiling sustainability reports, understanding the topics of concern from stakeholders, and conducting effective communication. Since our first sustainability report publication in 2015, we have followed the international report compilation indicators and progressively constructed an internal ESG learning organization.
依循《GRI 3:重大主題》之指引與精神,進行以外部影響為基礎的鑑別流程,評估重大主題在經濟、環境、人群三方面之影響顯著性,持續與公益關注者溝通並回應公益關注者關注主題,並以重大主題作為揭露資訊之基礎。 In identifying material topics, we follow the guidance and spirit of GRI 3: Material Topics to conduct an external impact-based identification process; assess the significance of material topics’ impacts on the economy, environment, and society; continue to communicate with stakeholders and respond to their concerns; and use material topics as the basis for disclosing information in this report.
我們參考《GRI3:重大主題》原則進行矩陣排列。重大主題之正負面影響程度係以「衝擊程度」及「發生可能性」兩個軸線作為考量,了解各永續主題之正負面影響對公益關注者可能產生之衝擊規模/範圍與災難性及發生頻率與發生機率,並就內部問卷評分、公益關注者焦點訪談進行評分收集,進一步由執行長辦公室綜合評估各主題的重大性、且經執行長與副執行長核議後,提報最高治理單位審核通過。 We have referenced the principles of GRI3: Material Topics to create a matrix. The significance of the positive and negative impacts of material topics is assessed based on two indicators: severity of impact and likelihood of occurrence. These indicators can help us understand the scale/scope of the positive and negative impacts that material sustainability topics may have on public interest stakeholders, as well as the frequency and probability of occurrence. Scores are collected through internal questionnaire evaluations and stakeholder-focus interviews. The CEO’s office then comprehensively evaluates the significance of each topic, and after being reviewed and approved by the CEO and deputy CEO, it is submitted to the highest governance unit for review and approval.
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