氣候變遷天災頻傳,環保與防災教育不容忽視。我們 在2021年起與臺灣大學教授葉丙成所創辦的幫你優公司攜手,以公益合作模式,透過「PaGamO」線上學習平台,為兒童、青少年量身打造「環保防災勇士養成計畫」,突破實體活動時空限制,將環保、防災與防疫知識透過教育,融入PaGamO電競遊戲,此遊戲跨越年齡,讓家長從陪伴孩子遊戲的過程中,也能取得環保知識,實踐「從教育著手,地球才有希望」,為教育加入更豐富的學習元素。 Climate change and natural disasters are becoming more frequent, making environmental and disaster prevention education essential. We believe that the future of the Earth lies in education. In 2021, we partnered with BangNiYou, a social enterprise founded by Professor Yeh Chen-Cheng of National Taiwan University, to launch the Environmental and Disaster Prevention Warrior Training Program on the PaGamO online learning platform. This program is designed for children and adolescents and integrates environmental, disaster prevention, and epidemic prevention knowledge into games. The goal is to strengthen students’ environmental literacy, help students develop disaster prevention awareness, promote environmental education from an early age, and maximize learning performance. Online learning can break through the time and space restrictions of physical activities. This game is also age-appropriate, allowing parents to learn about the environment while playing with their children, adding a richer learning element to education.
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